3 Steps For Better Bible Study: We can make many excuses for not studying the Bible like: I’m not trained, I’m not smart enough, I don’t know Greek and Hebrew, I just find it too difficult or I’m just a layperson.
Once we put away the excuses, we need to start somewhere and the best place to start is with a process or method that best suits your situation.
It doesn’t matter what your level of spiritual maturity or education, it doesn’t matter if you have been a Christian for five weeks or five decades, the principle is the same for all of us. If you can read, you can study the Bible. It’s that simple.
If you have learned Greek and Hebrew, that’s great. But today with all the resources available, no one is seriously disadvantaged without them.
Once you put in place a process or method of Bible study that suits your situation, you can expand that process as your ability expands. When you start with Bible study, it would be to your advantage to keep it simple. I like the KISS acronym. Keep It Super Simple!
The 3 steps for better Bible study include reading, recording and reflecting. As I said before, if you are just starting out in your pursuit of Bible study, keep it super simple. If you have been studying the Bible for some time, you can expand on these three steps as your ability expands.
#1 Reading
Bible study begins when you begin to read.
In many ways, reading is becoming a lost art. We are being entertained to death with the multimedia. We spent hours on our iphones and ipads with flashing images bombarding our screens. We have learned to browse rather than read.
Studying our Bibles requires us to read not browse. It requires conscious and concentrated effort. This will mean that you will need to read portions of Scripture over and over again. The more you read it, the more clear the Scriptures will become.
#2 Recording
Recording is all about writing notes. If you see something in the passage of interest, write it down.
Sometimes it is just good practice to summarize what you have read making notes of your observations and insights. This makes you work with the passage of Scripture so that you understand what you are reading. It is amazing what you discover when you write things down.
#3 Reflecting
Reflection requires time – time to ponder over what you have read and seen in the passage. Ask yourself some questions like: What’s going on in the passage? What is it telling me about God and about myself? What do I need to do on the basis of what I am reading here?
You will discover that reflection is vital when it comes to understand and applying the word of God to your life.
These 3 steps for better Bible study are simple steps that will help you form a habit of studying the Bible. Keep it super simple to start off and expand this method as your ability expands.
Reference Material
Hendricks Howard G and William D. Hendricks, 1991, Living By The Book, Moody Press, Chicago.