7 Best Books on Expository Preaching: I have accumulated many books (70 or so) relating to preaching or homiletics. The books I like best are the “how to” books on preaching.

7 Best Books on Expository Preaching
We all have different preferences when it comes to choosing books we like. The 7 Best Books on Expository Preaching are the ones that have helped me develop the art of expository preaching. These seven books major on the “how to” of expository preaching.
1. Preparing Expository Sermons by Ramesh Richard
This is one of the best books on how to prepare expository sermons from start to finish.
Ramesh will guide you through a seven-step process for preparing expository sermons with many practical suggestions and many illustrative charts along the way.
The seven-step method for expository preaching involves the study of the text, the structure of the text, the central proposition of the text, the purpose bridge, the central proposition of the sermon, the structure of the sermon and preach the sermon.
Though this book provides in-depth information on each step, nevertheless it is an easy book to read and understand.
Preparing Expository Sermons by Ramesh Richard (Check Out At Amazon Books)
2. Invitation To Biblical Preaching by Donald Sunukijan
Though this book’s claim is biblical preaching, it is really a book on expository preaching.
This is an excellent book on the “how to” for expository preaching. It is divided into two parts: What God is saying and What God is saying to us!
Donald takes the reader through the whole process of expository preaching from beginning to end.
One reviewer made this comment: “A practical guide to developing twenty-first century sermons that are biblically faithful, clear and engaging. This is not ivory-tower theory; Invitation to Biblical Preaching offers down-to-earth insights and enough examples to spark dozens of great sermon ideas for any preacher!”
This book is easy to read and understand with tremendous information for expository preaching.
Invitation To Biblical Preaching by Donal Sunukjian (Check Out At Amazon Books)
3. How To Preach With Notes by Charles Koller
This is a practical book on expository preaching. It is easy to read and understand and provides all the information you will need to prepare an expository sermon for presentation.
This book examines and explains the basic patterns for biblical exposition. This book takes you the basic steps of sourcing biblical information from the Scriptures to structuring the sermon in an outline and manuscript.
The content of this book is well set out so that you can work your way through each aspect of preparing expository sermons.
How To Preach Without Notes by Charles Koller (Check Out At Amazon Books)
4. Biblical Preaching by Haddon Robinson
Biblical Preaching by Haddon Robinson balances the practical “how to” with sound homiletical theory. The ten sermon preparation stages are content-oriented and follow the process of sermon-making from start to finish.
The ten stages in the development of expository sermons are: selecting the passage, studying the passage, discovering the exegetical idea, analysing the exegetical idea, formulating the homiletical idea, determining the sermon’s purpose, deciding how to accomplish the purpose, outlining the sermon, filling in the sermon outline and preparing the introduction and conclusion.
This is an easy book to read and understand while developing the skills to prepare and preach expository sermons.
Biblical Preaching by Haddon Robinson (Check Out At Amazon Books)
5. Christ-Centered Preaching by Bryan Chapell
This is a text book on homiletics and it champions the expository sermon as the best way to convey God’s word to God’s people.
The material in this book will help you prepare expository sermons from start to finish.
You will learn the necessary steps for explanation (chapter five) and how to outline and structure expository sermons (chapter six).
Chapell states that preachers must learn how to observe and interrogate the features of the text as well as to relate and organize their conclusions about the text’s meaning. Chapell examines and explains these four necessary steps in chapter five.
Chapell explains that a well-planned sermon begins with a good outline that provides a logical path for people to follow. It keeps preachers and audiences on course throughout each stage of the journey from start to finish. The process of constructing a sermon outline is explained in chapter six.
These two chapters alone are worth the price of this book.
Christ-Centered Preaching by Bryan Chapell (Check Out At Amazon Books)
6. Preaching: How to Preach Biblically by John MacArthur
The material in this book has been compiled by John MacArthur and the faculty at Master’s seminary.
The content of this book is divided into five parts: proving the priority of expository preaching, preparing the expositor, processing and principlizing the biblical text, pulling the expository message together and preaching expository sermons.
The individual chapters will help you master the numerous steps in preparing expository sermons.
This book is the updated version of Rediscovering Expository Preaching by John MacArthur and the Master’s Seminary Faculty.
Preaching: How To Preach Biblically by John MacArthur (Check Out At Amazon Books)
7. How To Prepare Bible Messages by James Braga
James expands and explains the requirements for expository sermons in chapter three.
The information presented in chapter three is well illustrated with several examples of expository sermon outlines.
The material in this book is divided into two parts: the principal types of biblical sermons and the mechanics of sermon construction.
The second part of this book outlines all you need to know to prepare and preach expository sermons.
How To Prepare Bible Messages by James Braga (Check Out At Amazon Books)